Monday 10 September 2012

Mothercare Double Buggy -

Mothercare double Buggy in black washable fabric and fleece grey trim and totally waterproof. In excellent, clean condition and well looked after. In full working order throughout- both harness, feet rests and all brakes working perfectly Both seats can have adjustable recline independently of each other. Comes complete with both sun canopys and large shopping basket. Full sollid handle and foam protector on it is perfect , no rips or tears. I found this handle is so much better than pushing a two handled double buggy, seems to take the effort out of pushing and easier to steer. Fully collapsable and is free standing when collapsed, makes it alot easier when trying to carry to storage or into the boot of the car., also lightweight enough to regularly have to put in and out of car etc. delivery may be possible up to 10 mile radius Fisher Price Miracles & Milestones™ Mix & Match Musical Mobile *in excellent condition* Change this mobile to suit baby’s age and mood, any time! Combine lights, motion and music, choosing four lullabies or 4 classical favorites. Project t winkling lights onto the ceiling to dance around baby’s room. Flip 3 reversible discs from black-and-white patterns for newborns to bright, colourful graphics as baby grows. When baby starts to push up, remove the mobile section, attaching the projector to the music box so baby can enjoy music and soothing ceiling projection. RRP in shops and online is 47.99 selling for 16


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