Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Angelcare AC401 Baby Movement Sensor Pad and Sound Monito +

having a clear out selling this due to have used it twice, no box it has great reviews!!! pick up only buckhurst hill area. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. RRP 120 ONLY A YEAR OLD ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT POSITIONS ADJUSTABLE BACK RECLINE POSITIONS 3 FOOD TRAYS ALL WITH MICORBAN ANTI BACTERIAL TREATMENT PADDED SEAT CUSHION. THERE IS A SLIGHT TEAR, WHERE THE CHEST HARNESS COMES THROUGH.THIS SEEMS TO BE COMMON ON THESE MODELS. HOWEVER FEEL FREE TO COME AND VIEW. 5 POINT HARNESS REMOVABLE MESH STORAGE BASKET SINGLE HANDED COMPACT FOLD LOCKING WHEELS. FROM A IMMACULATE/PET AND SMOKE FREE HOME. Battery Quad Blue 6v Upto 4 yrs old Excellent condidtion Complete with plug in wall charger. Can deliver local for small fee. Bought from Toys R us for 49.99 Selling for 20 Please call if interested Jo Mothercare double umbrella style pram. Comes complete with newborn inserts and rain cover. Suitable from birth. Small tear in rear cover (see last picture). ip-op bebe car pram/buggy for sale its in very good condition as barely used, pram can be detached from frame an be plugged into car for safety, as have buggy part for when child gets older which has only been used once! comes with the rain covers aswell 200


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