Saturday, 1 September 2012

Icandy peach blossom tomato ?

this comes with 2 seat units, car seat, adaptors, 1 footmuff and raincovers. this cost me 1100 last year will accept 600 if gone by friday. 1 ] CAR SEAT, BRITAX, PRINCE, ECE R44 / 04, UNIVERSAL, 9 - 18 kg , SUITABLE FROM 6 MONTHS TO 6 YEARS OLD, IMMACULATE CONDITION, ADJUSTABLE SEAT, COST NEW 105 WILL ACCEPT 25. 2 ] CAR SEAT, MOTHERCARE, UNIVERSAL, 9 - 18 kg, SUITABLE FROM 6 MONTHS TO 6 YEARS OLD, IMMACULATE CONDITION, COST NEW 85 WILL ACCEPT 20. PLEASE TEL 0208 995 7101 FIRST THEN MOBILE IF NO ANSWER. GREAT STROLLER UP TO 20 KG FOR A BOY OR A GIRL,SUITABLE FROM BIRTH RED AND GREY IN COLOUR SWIVEL FRONT WHEELS,BACKREST LIES FLAT,SAFETY BELTS,ADJUSTABLE FEETREST,LARGE BASKET,NEW RAINCOVER ALSO COMES WITH A KNEE COVER FOR SMALLER BABIES ALTHOU IT LOOKS QUITE BIG ITS VERY LIGHT I BOUGHT THIS ONE ABROAD,BUT THE RAINCOVER IS FROM HAUCK PRAM AND IT FITS LIKE A GLOVE:)SO I GUESS THESE STROLLERS LOOK SIMMILAR GREAT USED CONDITION PICK UP FROM EH14 2 EQ i have 2 ikea rattan armchairs for kids Assembled size Width: 46 cm Depth: 37.5 cm Height: 53.5 cm Key features - Stackable; space-saving wheot in use. one is in perfect condition. only used it once. the other one has got a slight broken leg but easily fix . 2 chairs for 5 please cal for more details or pick up time Like new, light green bumbo seat with white detachable tray. Can be used for babies that can hold their head up themselves. A safe seat for baby to use to play or feed. The seat should not be placed on an elevated surface, really it is for floor use only, although i did use it at the dining table (on


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