Monday, 20 August 2012

Pink hello kitty battery powered car .

Pink hello kitty battery powered car from 12months+ Never used outside used a few times indoors my daughters to big for this now so i need it gone 40pound ono in exellent condition trampoline for sale in poole,seven and a half feet wide,only 3 months old. fifty pence shape,comes with safety net. buyer collects. call sean anytime on 07727128034 BUNDLE OF NEWBORN CLOTHES SUIT BOY OR GIRL 0-3 MONTHS GOOD CONDITION WINTER WHITE ALL IN ONE SNOWSUIT CARDIGAN 11 ALL INE ONE SLEEPSUITS HAT 7 BODYSUITS Aqua Bumbo baby sitter seat and play tray for sale. Hardly ever used (baby preferred high chair for weaning) so in excellent condition. Cash only and buyer collects (N1). Can email photographs if required. Graco Quatro Push Chair-In excellent Condition........ Graco brown and cream travel system. Pushchair fully reclines for newborn. Large shopping basket. Parent storage tray. Removable child play tray. One hand fold. Footmuff. Rain cover. Car seat and in car base for easy and safe travel. -Includes Rain cover -Car seat -Large shopping basket -Foot muff -Car seat base to fit any car No offers please as I have already put the price so low.....i got it for 325....selling for 100........and hardly used... If interested call Cameron:07508287126


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